Getting Your Air Conditioner Ready for Spring

Spring is here, and with it comes the return of warm temperatures. This is the time of year when homeowners turn their air conditioners on for the first time during the year. Your air conditioner likely hasn’t been used in months, and that means the system may need a little TLC to ensure it runs efficiently this spring and summer.

As a homeowner, there are a few simple things you can do to get your air conditioner prepared for the cooling season, including the following.

Check for unwanted pests

During the winter, rodents and other small animals may have used your outdoor air conditioning unit as a place to stay warm, dry and out of the elements.

However, they can’t stay in the unit once spring arrives. If you notice any nesting materials, eggs, or signs of an animal residing in your unit, be sure to call in an exterminator for safe removal of the materials.

Remove the air conditioner cover

While it’s not recommended to cover your air conditioner during the cooler months of the year, now is the time to get any cover removed if you have one. Failure to do may result in your air conditioner not being able to draw air.

Clear the space around the unit

Spring is the perfect time to trim back tree limbs and bushes that may be obstructing air flow around your air conditioner. Cut back growth a minimum of two feet. Also, be sure nothing is propped against or sitting on top of the system.

Consider adding a dry, level surface around your air conditioner

If you need to have your AC serviced, it’s always appreciated by technicians if you have a dry, flat surface to walk and kneel on. If you don’t have anything in place around your unit, the ground can get soggy, muddy and slippery after it rains. This doesn’t just cause tripping hazards for technicians, but splattered mud can get into your system and cause problems.

Check your thermostat

Many homeowners worry that their home isn’t cooling down fast enough on the first hot spring day only to later realize they didn’t switch their thermostat over to “cool” or “air conditioner.” Make sure you’ve adjusted your thermostat to the proper settings. Also, if your wall device runs on batteries, swap them out with fresh ones.

Change the filter

Even though you aren’t using your furnace this time of year, you still need to make it a routine to change your furnace filter regularly. In a forced-air system, air still passes through your furnace’s filter before being circulated through your home. A clean filter can make your system more efficient and your indoor air much fresher.

Schedule an appointment for AC cleaning

A maintenance appointment with a cooling professional is recommended but NOT required for you to turn your unit on for the first time this season. Cooling experts are often able to diagnose potential problems during maintenance appointments before they turn into major headaches. They are also able to make sure your unit has the proper level of refrigerant, or coolant, to keep it running efficiently all season.

Pivotal Home Solutions offers an affordable Cooling Maintenance Plan. To see if we offer plans in your area, enter your zip code in the box in the upper right corner of your screen.