During these uncertain times, you value your family’s peace of mind and sense of security. So when an appliance or service line you depend on stops working normally, you may be worried about who exactly is coming to your home to make the necessary repairs.
This won’t be a concern when you partner with Pivotal Home Solutions for your repair and maintenance needs. When it comes to caring for your heating and cooling systems, water and sewer lines, natural gas lines, and more, we pride ourselves on working with experienced, knowledgeable, and pre-qualified independent service providers. These individuals will perform all required work in your family’s home in a safe and respectful manner.
But don’t take our word for it. Check out what our customers have to say!
Jamie N. of Chicago is a longtime customer. She’s enrolled in a variety of our plans, and she values the professionalism and knowledge that our service experts provide when performing repair and/or maintenance work in her home.
“You can always feel confident that you are getting a screened professional to manage the issues!” this satisfied customer said.
Jamie was so pleased with our services that when her family recently moved into a new home, she decided to enroll her new appliances, systems, and service lines in our affordable home protection plans. “I have LOVED using this service for all these years!” she said.
Handling a repair or maintenance need is easy when you are covered by one of our valuable plans. When you need to make an appointment, simply give us a call and our friendly customer service representatives will work with you and a local provider to take care of the work that’s needed.
Want to be like Jamie?
Give us a call or visit us online and enter your ZIP code in the box in the upper right corner of our website. From there, you will be able to see the protection plans available in your area.